description=Experimental aircraft using twin engine configuration of Wright Cyclone R-1820-72W radial and Genetral Electric I-16 turbojet.\nFirst flight was on June 25th 1944, entering service in March 1945.  \n\nArmament was 4  .50" machine guns with optional warload of 2x 1000lb bombs or 4x wing mounted rockets.  
ui_manufacturer=Ryan Aeronatical Company
ui_variation=XFR-1 Test Aircraft
atc_id=XFR 1

performance=Span : 40'\nLength : 34' 6"\nEmpty Weight : 7,915 lbs\nMaximum Speed : 426 mph\nCeiling : 42,000 ft\nRange : 1,430 miles\n

gear_bump_nose_magnitude=6000           ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_nose_direction=18000          ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_nose_duration=250000          ; in microseconds
gear_bump_left_magnitude=6000           ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_left_direction=35500          ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_left_duration=250000          ; in microseconds
gear_bump_right_magnitude=6000          ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_right_direction=00500         ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_right_duration=250000         ; in microseconds
ground_bumps_magnitude1=3250            ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle1=8900                ; 0 - 35999 degrees
ground_bumps_magnitude2=750             ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle2=9100                ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude1=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction1=01000                  ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude2=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction2=9000                   ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_period2=75000                     ; in microseconds
crash_duration2=2500000                 ; in microseconds

empty_weight = 7915.000

reference_datum_position     = 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
empty_weight_CG_position     = 0.000, 0.000, 0.000

max_number_of_stations = 50

station_load.0 = 170.000, -3.000, 0.000, 3.000

;Moments of Inertia
empty_weight_pitch_MOI  = 11059.000
empty_weight_roll_MOI   = 7243.000
empty_weight_yaw_MOI    = 14484.000
empty_weight_coupled_MOI= 0.000
max_gross_weight= 11259.000
CG_forward_limit= 0.000
CG_aft_limit= 1.000
station_load.1= 1076.000, 9.795, 0.000, 0.000
station_load.2= 850.000, -8.280, 0.000, 0.000

cruise_lift_scalar     =1.000
parasite_drag_scalar   =0.800
induced_drag_scalar    =1.000
elevator_effectiveness =0.858
aileron_effectiveness  =1.000
rudder_effectiveness   =0.509
pitch_stability        =1.000
roll_stability         =1.000
yaw_stability          =1.000
elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.715
aileron_trim_effectiveness  =1.000
rudder_trim_effectiveness   =1.000

wake = fx_wake
water = fx_spray
dirt = fx_tchdrt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_tchdwn, 1
startup.0=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engstrt.fx
startup.1=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.2=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engsmoke.fx
startup.3=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.4=6.062992, -1.962160, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.5=6.062992, -2.079905, -1.198352,fx_engsmoke.fx
startup.6=6.062992, -2.236898, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.7=6.062992, -2.217274, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx

power_scalar =1.806
cylinder_displacement= 202.550
compression_ratio= 8.830
number_of_cylinders= 9
max_rated_rpm= 2500.000
max_rated_hp= 1425.000
fuel_metering_type= 2
cooling_type= 0
normalized_starter_torque= 0.035
turbocharged= 1
max_design_mp= 53.000
min_design_mp= 1.000
critical_altitude= 21500.000
emergency_boost_type= 1
emergency_boost_mp_offset= 12.000
emergency_boost_gain_offset= 0.840
fuel_air_auto_mixture= 0
auto_ignition= 0

thrust_scalar =1.806
propeller_type= 0
propeller_diameter= 9.829
propeller_blades= 3
propeller_moi= 62.170
beta_max= 65.000
beta_min= 13.000
min_gov_rpm= 1800.000
prop_tc= 0.010
gear_reduction_ratio= 2.000
fixed_pitch_beta= 0.000
low_speed_theory_limit= 80.000
prop_sync_available= 0
prop_deice_available= 0
prop_feathering_available= 0
prop_auto_feathering_available= 0
min_rpm_for_feather= 0.000
beta_feather= 0.000
power_absorbed_cf= 0.000
defeathering_accumulators_available= 0
prop_reverse_available= 0
minimum_on_ground_beta= 0.000
minimum_reverse_beta= 0.000

number_of_exits = 1
exit_rate.0 = 0.4                               ;Percent per second

wing_fold_system_type = 4                       ;0=None
fold_rates = 0.12,0.11                          ;Percent per second

        //0  Class
        //1  Longitudinal Position        (feet)
        //2  Lateral Position             (feet)
        //3  Vertical Position            (feet)
        //4  Impact Damage Threshold      (Feet Per Minute)
        //5  Brake Map                   (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)
        //6  Wheel Radius                (feet)
        //7  Steer Angle                         (degrees)
        //8  Static Compression           (feet)  (0 if rigid)
        //9  Max/Static Compression Ratio
        //10 Damping Ratio               (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
        //11 Extension Time              (seconds)
        //12 Retraction Time             (seconds)
        //13 Sound Type
        //14 Airspeed limit for retraction (KIAS)
        //15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS)
point.0= 1.000, 6.125, 0.000, -7.950, 3200.000, 0.000, 1.644, 30.000, 0.250, 2.500, 0.900, 4.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.1= 1.000, -1.528, -7.040, -8.150, 3500.000, 1.000, 2.204, 0.000, 0.540, 2.500, 0.760, 7.500, 8.500, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.2= 1.000, -1.528, 7.040, -8.150, 3500.000, 2.000, 2.204, 0.000, 0.540, 2.500, 0.760, 7.000, 8.000, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.3= 2.000, -0.880, -20.000, -1.450, 1200.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.4= 2.000, -0.880, 20.000, -1.450, 1200.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.5= 2.000, -21.240, 0.000, -2.310, 2400.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.6= 2.000, 8.110, 0.000, -3.810, 1200.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000

static_cg_height = 8.100
static_pitch     = 3.000

eyepoint= 0.328, 0.0, 2.09,      //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit            
light.0 = 4,  1.805,   0.00, 0.18, fx_vclight

Center1= 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 225.000, 0.000
Center2= 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 87.000, 0.000
LeftMain= 0.000, -12.250, 0.000, 82.000, 0.000
RightMain= 0.000, 12.250, 0.000, 82.000, 0.000
External1= 1.940, 0.000, -3.870, 175.000, 0.000

wing_area= 380.000
wing_span= 40.000
wing_root_chord= 11.268
wing_dihedral= 4.398
wing_incidence= -1.000
wing_twist= 1.000
oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.899
wing_winglets_flag= 0
wing_sweep= 0.000
wing_pos_apex_lon= 3.192
wing_pos_apex_vert= -2.590
htail_area= 38.360
htail_span= 17.930
htail_pos_lon= -15.406
htail_pos_vert= 0.000
htail_incidence= 0.000
htail_sweep= 0.000
vtail_area= 23.040
vtail_span= 4.950
vtail_sweep= 0.000
vtail_pos_lon= -18.038
vtail_pos_vert= 0.000
elevator_area= 23.390
aileron_area= 23.440
rudder_area= 10.930
elevator_up_limit= 26.001
elevator_down_limit= 26.001
aileron_up_limit= 21.497
aileron_down_limit= 20.346
rudder_limit= 28.997
elevator_trim_limit= 19.996
spoiler_limit= 0.000
spoilerons_available= 0
aileron_to_spoileron_gain= 0.000
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons= 0.000
min_flaps_for_spoilerons= 0.000

engine_type= 0
Engine.0= 7.795, 0.000, 0.000
fuel_flow_scalar= 1.000

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed= 65.000
full_flaps_stall_speed= 52.000
cruise_speed= 288.725


type= 1
span-outboard= 0.125
extending-time= 5.000
system_type= 0
damaging-speed= 201.000
blowout-speed= 305.000
lift_scalar= 1.000
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 0.200
flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000
flaps-position.1= 6.000, 0.000
flaps-position.2= 9.000, 0.000
flaps-position.3= 15.000, 0.000
flaps-position.4= 20.000, 0.000
flaps-position.5= 28.000, 0.000